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How much money can be gifted from one person to another in a given tax year without any tax implications (in Ohio or... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
If I clean residential properties on weekends to supplement my income, do I need to have a business license?... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
Can substantial short and long term capital losses be written off dollar for dollar against current year capital gains or are you restricted... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
I owe my parents $100,000 on a private mortgage. They live on retirement income of about $70,000. If I pay them off a... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
I receive social security insurance and have 2 small pensions which total $20,000. I am 65 and do not work otherwise. I do... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
A taxpayer's child suffers from autism. Can he deduct the cost for sending his child to the special school for autistic children?... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
I got married recently. At the beginning of the calendar year, my husband was covered under my employer's health insurance as a domestic... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
I live in Illinois and own a townhome. My family lived in the home in the home for seven years before renting it... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
I have only unemployment income of $19,400 in 2011. I incurred a theft of $7,500 for stolen tools from my home in 2011.... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
I have only unemployment income of $19,400 in 2011. I incurred a theft of $7,500 for stolen tools from my home in 2011.... read on
- Answered byThe BIDaWIZ Team
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