Explore the 1,000’s of tax questions answered by professionals.


My daughter and her husband are adopting a newborn. They have qualifying expenses from 2013 and 2014. The child was .... ... read on

A client has been acting as a foster parent and wanted to know the tax benefits for a US taxpayer .... ... read on

My wife and I had a failed adoption in 2014. We paid all adoption fees in 2014 through an adoption .... ... read on

I am purchasing health insurance through the New York state health insurance marketplace. I am purchasing the insurance for .... ... read on

I usually include ductwork as part of the price for a geothermal heat and pump installation. With that said, .... ... read on

I'm building a new home and I plan to install a geothermal air conditioner. Is this appliance eligible for .... ... read on

My wife and I want to claim a tax deduction for my son's preschool. If I work full time, how .... ... read on

I want to install a more efficient air-conditioning system to my house. Do I get any tax deductions? I live .... ... read on

I e-filed my tax return and it was denied by the IRS. The reason given is that my ex-spouse .... ... read on

I'm a student in college and I recently received form 1098-T from the lender for my student loans. I .... ... read on
